
Contact us

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    To inform us of any queries you may have or to request assistance fill out the form, we will reply within 48 hours.

    Reach us by car

    Exit the A14 motorway at the Rimini Sud tollbooth and take the highway to San Marino (SS 72/ Strada Statale Consolare Rimini San Marino)

    Keep direction to San Marino and once you enter the Republic keep direction to Serravalle. As soon as you cross the border, after about 500 meters, turn right into Via Cesare Cantú, then immediately right Inyo Via A. Giangi.

    Find us on Google Maps or Microsoft Here

    Reach us by train

    From the Rimini station in the square in front you can take the bus that leads to San Marino.

    For timetable information:

    Bonelli Bus Company ph. 0541 662069
    Autolinee Benedettini ph. 0549 903854
    Tickets can be purchased directly on the bus, stop is on request.